Crown Chakra
Attribute: Mediumship and Inspiration
Color: Violet
Gland: Pineal Gland
Stones: Sugilite, Amethyst, Herkimer Diamond, Diamond, Clear Quartz
Sahasrara, also known as the Crown or Crown Chakra, is the last of the seven Chakras. It is located at the crown of the head beneath the fontanel and is open upwards. The Crown Chakra connects the individual with the cosmos or universal consciousness, serving as a bridge to the greater whole, the spiritual world, and the soul's plan.
A person with an open Crown Chakra gains deep insights into the meaning of their life and their purpose here on Earth. They understand that all experiences have a purpose, no matter how painful they may sometimes be. They trust their inner guidance and recognize the significant connections that have led to their life situation. Future events can also be anticipated, and one finds themselves in the right place at the right time. They have insight into higher realms and maintain a strong connection to their spiritual self. The spiritual understanding of life's themes conveys deep inner peace and enables true self-realization.
Disruptions or blockages in this Chakra can manifest in the following ways:
- Deep disorientation
- One lives their life, is emotionally, materially, and intellectually successful, yet their life lacks meaning, purpose, and direction.
- The spiritual emptiness is accompanied by feelings of fear, uprootedness, and inner loneliness, which often become noticeable subtly in mid-life and become more apparent later. Existential crises and questioning the purpose of one's actions are a natural consequence of this lack, which can be healed by connecting with one's spiritual center.
- Attachment to the material world
- A sense of lack, emptiness, and dissatisfaction
- World-weariness
- Dullness
- Mental exhaustion
- Denial of creative power
- Immune weakness
- Nerve disorders
- Multiple sclerosis
- Cancer
- Sleep disturbances, both falling and staying asleep

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